Not every day is a good day. Pressure at work, relationship issues and personal conflicts can all take a toll on your health overtime. But with the right mind-set, you can manage to stay happy amidst all the stresses of life!
1.Dress up.
A study published in Studia Psychologica suggests that people with higher self-esteem spend more time getting ready in the morning. Another research published in the Journal of Aesthetic Dentistry found that altering physical trait for the better improves self-esteem, personality and attitude. Buy yourself a beautiful dress or suit, visit the derma once in a while and pamper yourself!
2.Smile (even if you don’t mean it).
It is true that only genuine happiness uplifts your well-being. But smiling, even if you don’t have a reason to, can lead you to a better, brighter feeling. If you frown, people will think you are miserable and will get away from you. But if you keep smiling, you can change their perception, and attract as many people as you want!
3.Free your mind.
Stuffing a lot of things in your mind can stress you out. While the brain is very good at processing complex thoughts and ideas, you really don’t want to push it to its limit. Instead of putting them all in your head, write down your to-do list, or encode it on your iPad or mobile phone. This way, you can forget about the unfinished tasks for a moment and focus your attention to one activity at a time.
4.Start your day with water.
Did you know that right before you get up from bed, your body is already dehydrated? Make it a habit to drink a full glass of water in the morning. Reducing your hydration level by 1% from the optimal level can already increase your negative thoughts, affect your concentration, and make you feel more fatigued – a study in the Journal of Nutrition suggests.
5.Write down the good things.
Before going to sleep, get your journal and write down all the good things that happened during the day. According to scientists, people tend to remember bad memories more than the good ones that sometimes, they almost overlooked all the things they should be thankful of. Whether it’s the beautiful flower you saw this morning in your neighbour’s yard, the cute little pup that made you smile, or the old couple in the bus that inspired you – all positive things worth a space in your journal.
6.Hugs and kisses will do!
While oxytocin, also called the “love” hormone, is usually generated during sexual intercourse, studies reveal that it is also present when people do other forms of physical contact such as hugging, kissing, and holding hands. So if you feel low, hug your partner, your friend or your pet and experience the magic!
7.Give to receive.
Donate to a charity, share your meal with a stranger, and help an old lady cross the road. Did you know that giving stimulates the same part of the brain that is active when you engage in pleasurable activities like sex and eating? Doing acts of charity doesn’t just win you more friends but also uplifts your wellbeing.
8.Get fishy.
Instead of ham or bacon, why not stuff your sandwich with sardines? Research shows that in countries with high fish consumption such as Taiwan and Japan, the rate of depression is 10 times lower than those with low fish consumption, such as the US and UK. Oily fish like sardines, salmon, tuna and mackerel are high in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D that are effective in busting depression.
9.Think like a Samurai
Sure, you will learn a lot from books and from life coaches but it is not enough to get you into the action. According to therapist James Hill, trying to develop a motivated mind-set makes you believe that you need to be motivated before you act, which isn’t helpful. You don’t need to feel like you need to do something before you do it. Just do what you got to do!
10.Don’t skip the bad news.When reading newspapers, it’s really okay to read the negative news as well. It actually reminds you that there are many people in the world who are in a worse situation than you are. Whenever you feel bad because your food tastes bland, why not think of the people who don’t have any food to eat? Experts call it social-comparison theory. Yes you may feel bad about it, but it will also make you feel a lot better.
11.Turn on the music.
Stressed out? Turn on the radio, or your music player or iPod. Listening to the music you like can significantly improve your mood.
12.Get yourself a furry friend.
Did you know that pet owners over 65 make 30% fewer visits to their doctors? Having a pet has a lot of benefits. It lowers down your blood pressure, makes you feel less stressed, and protects you from developing a heart disease.
13.Build muscles.
Intense exercises stimulate your brain to produce plenty of endorphins (the feel-good chemicals). According to research, just 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week is more powerful than the most effective antidepressants!
In one study published in the journal Cyber psychology, Behaviour and Social Networking, just three minutes on Facebook is enough to shift your negative thoughts to something positive. Creating a social bond with other people is a critical factor in maintaining a high level of wellbeing.
15.Eat well.
Nourishing your body is the initial step towards nourishing your mind. Make sure you get your 5-a-day portion of fruits and vegetables. They are great sources of antioxidants and nutrients that ease depression and stress.
Dear Readers,
What is the most effective method to keeping happy? What makes you happy?