12 Quick and Easy Strategies to Overcome Stress

Sharon Moore February 04, 2014

Whilst it is true that we cannot completely avoid stress, we can do something to lessen its effect on us. Regardless of your stressor, these easy, quick and simple steps can calm you down and make you feel good again!

Do a ‘body check’ from time to time.

Give yourself a minute or two to scan your body and check how you are feeling mentally, emotionally and physically. Our body often gives us warning signs for stress. If you’re feeling a little pain in your back, if your heartbeat’s getting faster, or if your thoughts are racing – it could be that you are stressed. It’s your body’s way of telling you to ‘take a break’.


One of the quickest ways to turn on your body’s relaxation response is to take a few breaths. For a few minutes, disengage with whatever task you are doing, and close your eyes. Pay attention to your breathing. Take in as much air as you can. Inhale all the positivity and exhale all the negativity.

Tune in to your favourite playlist.

Create a playlist of songs that relax and calm you. Tune in to this playlist whilst having a break. Focus on the inspiring words you hear. Allow the music to recharge your tired body and uplift your spirit.

Sip green tea.

Before your face turn red in rage, get yourself a cup of warm green tea. This healthy beverage is a source of L-Theanine, a chemical that helps relieve anger, according to a team of researchers from Nagoya University in Japan.

Try aromatherapy.

It just takes a minute to drip some lavender, tea tree and other essential oils in your palm and inhale. The soothing and calming scent of these oils help you overcome stress and anxiety by stimulating smell receptors in your nose that are connected to the part of your brain that regulates emotion.

Play with your pet.

Feeling down? Snuggle up with your furry friend. Pets have this amazing ability to uplift our mood and boost our self-esteem. Just recently, it was found that having a pet could also help us be more social.

Go herbal.

Nature has its very special way of calming you down. Various herbs, such as vanilla, holy basil, rhodiola, lemon balm and chamomile have anxiety-reducing effects. You can find these herbs in teas and even supplements.

Rock the dance floor.

A study published in the journal Perceptual and Motor Skills found that people feel less anxious after a few months of modern dance. You need not be a great dancer to reap its benefits. A funky chicken dance would work.

Write it down.

In a 2011 study published in the journal Science, researchers found that writing about worries boosts exam performance in the classroom.  Letting your emotions flow down through your pen can make stress less intimidating.


Can’t get away from your desk? Stand up for a while and do some stretching. According to a research reported in the Journal of Behaviour Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, a quick stretch can relieve muscle tension and help you relax during a stressful workday.


A good laugh is probably the last on your to-do list during very stressful moments but it’s really a great stress-busting strategy. Keep a book of jokes handy in your drawer desk or watch some funny video clips on YouTube.

Talk to a friend.

When something’s bothering you, it really is worth talking to a pal. With the internet technology, keeping in touch is no longer a problem.