10 Ways Reiki Benefits Your Health BIGTIME

Mark Bonney - Reiki & Relaxation ~ Leeming Bar Reiki, Acupressure, Corporate Massage in Northallerton August 13, 2014

Reiki is not only one of the oldest healing modalities in use today. It is also one of the most versatile. This complementary therapy works on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, and its benefits can be felt by both the practitioner and the client. This non-invasive therapy promotes holistic healing as well as balance and stability.

How can Reiki improve your health? The following benefits will really make you want to experience this therapy over and over again.

Reiki and Pregnancy

Reiki works well in promoting all aspects of pregnancy, from conception to childbirth. Reiki during pregnancy doesn’t only support the health of the mother but also aids in the physical and emotional development of the child. There are several discomforts associated with pregnancy that can be minimised or alleviated with this therapy. They include headache, back ache, and nausea. Moreover, the deep relaxation and calmness Reiki brings can significantly ease the stress that many pregnant women experience.

Relaxation and Stress Relief

A one-hour Reiki session can produce the effects equivalent to 4 hours of restful sleep. One of the greatest benefits of Reiki is that it promotes relaxation, which is crucial to stress reduction. By lowering your stress levels, you are enhancing your body’s natural healing abilities. If you’re having sleep issues, anxiety problems, or you simply can’t experience relaxation, this ancient therapy is a must-try.

Reiki and Your Child’s Health

It’s not easy for kids today. Like adults, they also get to deal with a host of challenges at home and in school, especially the social and peer pressures of growing up. This is where Reiki can help. A Reiki session can leave you and your child feeling revitalised, more secure and confident. It is specifically effective in easing fears, stress and tensions that your child experiences.

Reiki on Injury and Trauma

Reiki serves as an immediate first-aid response during times of trauma and injury.

Reiki and Self-Awareness

Reiki brings awareness, allowing practitioners to bring to light any innate intuitive abilities that have been buried or repressed.

Reiki and Your Love Life

Reiki can also strengthen and heal personal relationships. It soothes mental and emotional wounds, work through dysfunction and open the way to profound closeness and intimacy. Since Reiki boosts your capacity to love, it can open you up to people around you and significantly improve you social relationship. It also helps you connect with others on a deeper level.

Reiki and Emotional Distress

Reiki is a great therapy for alleviating emotional distress. It is very soothing to the soul just as it is soothing to the body. It cleans and clears your emotions, and takes you to better perspectives. Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive way of releasing hurts, pain and anxiety.

Reiki for Healthy Lifestyle Change

Quitting a bad habit, such as smoking or excessive alcohol use, can be really stressful and physically and mentally draining. Reiki is one of the tested complementary therapies that boost your chances of success by helping you deal with stress that comes with making lifestyle change. Plus, it stimulates your body’s immune system, helping it recover faster from the damages caused by your unhealthy habits.

Reiki and Cancer Treatment

Reiki is being used in hospitals today as an adjunct therapy for cancer management. This energy therapy is known to help cancer patients in many ways, and one of which is through pain relief. It calms the body, lowering the degree of pain that comes with the disease. It also helps in adjusting to medication or treatment, speeds up recovery from surgery, and reduces drugs’ side-effects. In one study, chemotherapy patients who received Reiki noticed a marked decrease in side effects from treatment. Reiki also helps cancer patients achieve balance in their body so they can recover better. Furthermore, it does not interfere with the actions of medications or treatments. It can be safely used alongside any other form of healing therapy.

Reiki and Creativity

Yes, Reiki can boost your creativity too! Whether you’re writing, painting, or thinking of a new business venture, practising Reiki can bring you clarity and focus. Due to its mind calming abilities, this ancient therapy can fuel your brain, particularly the areas involved in creativity.