10 Remarkable Things Mentally Strong People Do Differently

Sharon Moore September 12, 2014

Are you mentally strong? To survive life’s challenges, it is not enough that you are physically fit. You also have to be mentally strong. Below are 10 things mentally healthy people do differently – habits and characteristics that set them up for success. Learning about these traits may inspire you to make lifestyle changes necessary to be one of them.

They embrace change. Change is inevitable. It is the only thing constant in this world. Mentally fit people are not afraid of change. Rather, they welcome it wholeheartedly. While they may feel anxious and overwhelmed from time to time, especially during major transitions, they don’t get discouraged. Mentally strong people understand that these are part of the process and they will be able to get through it.

They take risks. Mentally strong people know how to take calculated risks. That is, they weigh the benefits and consequences first before diving into a decision.

They are happy about other people’s success. These people don’t compare themselves with others. They work hard to self-progress, and celebrate others’ successes. That’s because they know that each person is unique and comparing is not only unfair to other people, but also to them.

They tolerate discomfort. Even mentally strong people experience negative emotions from time to time. But what sets them apart from the rest is that they know how to tolerate these unwanted feelings. They don’t avoid discomfort. They accept negative feelings without being controlled of them.

They are willing to fail. Mentally fit people don’t see failure as failure per se. They see it as a stepping stone to success – a chance to improve themselves and a chance to be better. They also reflect on their progress every day. Mentally fit individuals take time to what they have accomplished, what their shortcomings were, and where they are headed.

They aspire to be happy. In life, we are bound to experience joy as well as sadness. Mentally fit people don’t get tired trying to be happy. But they don’t preoccupy themselves too much with it because they know it can just negatively affect their well-being.

They are realistic optimists. One effective strategy they employ to be happy is to practise optimism. By looking at the glass half full, one stays near to happiness and fulfilment. But mentally fit people aren’t just pure optimists. They are also realistic. This means they have the hopefulness of optimists and the clarity of pessimists. They know that failures can happen, so they take a creative solution to the problem at hand.

They live in the present moment. Mentally strong people tend to have a mindful, attentive way of engaging with the world. Vast scientific research has shown that mindfulness can boost brain power. It is also linked to lower stress, emotional stability, and improved mental clarity.

They know when to let go. Mentally strong people strive really hard to reach their goals, even if that means making lots of sacrifices and going through tons of challenges. Nonetheless, there are some things that are beyond one’s control. When things don’t turn out like they hoped for, mentally strong people don’t get discouraged. They know how to pick themselves up and carry on with life.

They are kind and compassionate. Mentally healthy people love reaching out to other people. They treat others with kindness and respect. They choose to see the goodness in others, instead of their flaws. Still, they don’t worry about pleasing other people. Furthermore, mentally strong people are appreciative and grateful.