10 Morning Routines that Can Make You Healthier and Successful
How you start your day matters a LOT when it comes to your health, wellness, and chance of success. Your daily morning habits can also influence your stress levels, well-being, and productivity. If you’re looking to have a more vibrant, less stressful, and happier day, here are 10 morning rituals you should observe.
Wake up early (really early).
Remember the old saying “early to bed, early to rise; makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”? Time is a valuable commodity. You can’t change the fact that there are only 24 hours in a day. But you can be more in control of how you spend your time. Highly successful people take it up a notch by waking up early – between 4am and 5.30am. By waking up early, you don’t just become more in control of your early hours; you will also have more opportunities to do things that matter to you.
Write on your ‘gratitude’ journal.
Gratefulness is a key ingredient to achieving happiness. Begin your day by writing down at least three good things that happened to you the other day or week. It doesn’t have to be huge accomplishments like a pay raise or a job promotion. Even small wins count, like meeting a new friend, arriving home early, or receiving an uplifting text message.
Spend time with your hubby.
Mornings are a great time to reconnect with your partner and talk about your plans, hobbies and other things that keep you connected to each other. You can also take advantage of the time to talk about important things like finances, work issues, etc. A deep, meaningful talk every morning may do wonders for your relationship.
Plan your day.
If you don’t have a clear plan of how your day is going to run, you are setting yourself up for productivity issues later in the day. You can’t bring back time so make sure every bit of it is spent wisely. Making your to-do list in the morning, including a smart strategy to get them done, can make your day be more manageable and less stressful.
Meditating in the morning is a powerful way to clear your mind from mental clutter and start your day right. It’s a scientifically proven way to relieve stress and boost mental function. Sit down comfortably on your bed. Then, think of nothing and focus your attention to your body, and on your breathing. You may even recite an empowering mantra during your routine.
Work out.
You don’t have to engage in intense regimen. You can do it later on the day when you have more time to warm up and cool down. You can just do some yoga exercises to stretch your limbs and boost your blood flow. You can also jog, or take a short walk around the neighbourhood for at least ten minutes.
Have a healthy breakfast.
Don’t leave for work without taking a breakfast. But make sure you are eating something healthy. Avoid hurrying to the nearest coffee vending machine. Choose meals that are high in protein and low in calories. Add fresh fruits to your breakfast as they are packed with fibre and other nutrients that can give you a stable source of energy throughout the day.
Fuel your motivation.
Like willpower, motivation is a finite resource too. So before your day starts, read or listen to inspirational anecdotes and empowering quotes, play your favourite uplifting music, or come up with a self-mantra that boosts your self-esteem and make you feel empowered.
Dress up.
Since you woke up early, you can spend more time in the shower and more time choosing a perfect outfit for the day. When you feel good about yourself, you will have higher self-esteem and confidence.
Eat the frog first.
It’s usually in the morning when you are most energetic. So use your energy reserve wisely. Begin with the ‘frog’ – the tougher task – first. This way, you are more likely to get it done effectively and quickly. You can resort to easier tasks later in the day.
Start your day right. Hope these tips can make your coming days less stressful and more productive. And most of all – happier!
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