10 Major Health Benefits of Chocolates
If you’re a fan of sweets, here’s the good news for you: new research has found that chocolates has even more health advantages than what was previously thought. From boosting your cardiovascular system all the way to regulating your blood glucose levels – chocolates are undeniably one of the best choices to satisfy your sweet tooth!
So what are the benefits of eating chocolates?
1. Reduced Risk of Stroke
Cacao has the highest amount of antioxidant polyphenols that are good for your heart. A Swedish study published in 2011 found that women who ate more than 45g of chocolate per week had 20 per cent lower risk of stroke than those who consumed 9g of the sweet stuff.
2. Better Heart Health
Regular chocolate eaters tend to have better heart health than people who are not. Another study published in the University of California Department of Nutrition revealed that components in cacao also contribute to platelet aggregation, which in turn prevents blood clot. Not only that. Chocolate also helps lower bad cholesterol in your body and amp good cholesterol, curbing your risk of heart disease.
3. Mental Health
Chocolates contain theobromine, phenethylamine (PEA) and anandamide – beneficial compounds that stimulate the central nervous system whilst promoting positive, calm and blissful mental states. This natural sweet stuff also boosts the production of serotonin – the ‘feel good’ chemicals in the brain that promotes good mood and reduces your risk of depression, anxiety disorder and other mental health problems.
4. Reduced Insulin Resistance
A small study by the University of L’Aquilia in Italy found that participants who ate dark chocolate over the period of 15 days reduced their insulin resistance by almost 50 per cent. According to the lead researcher, flavonoids that are present in chocolates increase nitric oxide production and control insulin sensitivity.
5. Sun Protection
British researchers have found that eating nutrient dense cacao for three months developed less sunburn. That’s because it contains flavonols that are known to protect the skin from the damaging effects of sun.
6. Lower Stress Levels
In a study published in the Women’s Health Magazine, Swiss scientists reported that when very anxious people ate an ounce and a half of dark chocolate every day for two weeks, their stress levels dropped and the metabolic effects of stress were partially reduced.
7. Less Cough
Can’t stop coughing? Theobromine has been found to reduce the activity in the vagus nerve – the part of the brain that triggers unstoppable coughs. In 2010, BBC reported that scientists were investigating whether theobromine can replace codeine – a substance used in cough syrups.
8. Lower BMI
Yes, you read it right! Whilst most sweets are linked to weight gain, chocolates are different. Research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine that those who consumed chocolate on a regular basis tend to have lower BMI ratings. An expert from Yale University explained that the anti-inflammatory antioxidants in chocolates might help balance hormones that facilitate weight control.
9. Brain Power
Chocolates may not only boost your mood but your cognitive abilities as well. A small British study found that the participants who ate chocolates performed better on counting tasks. It’s due to the flavanols which improve blood flow to the brain, leading to an improvement in their concentration and focus.
10. Better Vision
In connection with health benefit number 9, chocolate’s ability to boost blood flow to the brain may also increase the blood flow to the retina. This is what researchers at the University of Reading hypothesised.
But wait! Before you head for a bar of snickers, it is important that you learn to distinguish good varieties from the bad. Choose only the products that have super food grades for ultimate benefit. Avoid chocolates that contain too much sugar. The dark ones are always the best option. It’s also advisable to read the labels because even the bittersweet varieties may contain high levels of calories, sugar and saturated fats.
Can you cite other benefits of eating healthy varieties of chocolates? Share your comment below.
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