10 Incredibly Healthy Greens that Can Benefit Your Body
Yes, your mum was right. Green, leafy vegetables are good for you. These super foods are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that boost your health and give you protection against a host of chronic illnesses, from the dreaded heart disease and cancer to diabetes, organ failure, and so on.
When it comes to greens, there are some vegetables that deserve some recognition. Most of them contain phytochemicals – natural compounds that have a variety of health benefits. Along with phytochemicals, these greens also contain large doses of antioxidants that help eliminate free radicals – the major cause of cell damage.
Furthermore, leafy green vegetables have also been shown to boost brain health and lower one’s risk of developing cognitive diseases like Alzheimer’s and depression. And since they are low in calorie and high in nutrients, you need not worry about eating a little more of these incredibly healthy greens:
Arugula is among the best sources of natural nitrates, which are converted by the body into nitric oxide – a gas that lowers blood pressure, promotes blood flow and can even improves sexual function in men. It’s also packed with flavonoids – antioxidants that fight heart disease and some forms of cancer. New research suggests it may also prevent ulcers. Arugula is somewhat bitter so mix it in your salad with your favourite vinaigrette to reduce the bite.
Swiss chard
This super food contains two essential antioxidants: syringic acid and kaempferol. The former helps stabilise blood sugar by inhibiting enzymes that convert carbs into simple sugars, while the latter protects cells against cancer-causing toxins, lowers inflammation and reduces your risk for heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases.
Collard Greens
Collards are great in lowering bad cholesterol levels because they have natural compounds that bind with your stomach’s bile acids. This leafy vegie is also loaded with phytochemicals that nourish the body’s natural detoxifying system. Steaming collards is a better way to preserve its nutrients rather than boiling them.
Kale is a major source of glucosinolates which have cancer-thwarting properties, as well as kaempferol. In addition to reducing the risk of cancer, kale may also protect the heart, lower blood sugar, strengthen bones and reduce inflammation in the body. This vegetable is also rich in lutein and zeaxanthin – antioxidants that help prevent eye disease and vision loss as you age.
Turnip greens
If you buy turnips with the tops on, you are getting two nutrient-dense vegetables in one. These sharp-flavoured greens are loaded with vitamins A, C, and K, plus calcium. Turnip greens also contain glucosinolates – phytonutrients that can be converted into isothiocyanates (ITCs) with cancer-preventing properties.
There’s no wonder why Popeye is so strong. His favourite food, spinach, is packed with vitamins A and C, as well as folate, which is a form of B vitamin. Low levels of folate in the body have been linked to irritability, mental fatigue, insomnia, depression, and periodontal disease. It also has a key role in pregnancy and prevention of pregnancy defects. Another key function of this vitamin is to allow for complete development of red blood cells.
Although paler in colour as compared with other greens, cabbage also provides great benefits to your health. It is a great source of cancer-fighting compounds and vitamin C. It is also packed with sinigrin which has been receiving special attention lately in the field of cancer research, particularly in reducing the risk of bladder cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer.
With only 25 calories per serving, broccoli is an excellent source of vitamin C and A, potassium, and folate. The fibre-related compounds in broccoli bind together with bile acids in the digestive tract, which leads to lower cholesterol levels. According to research, steaming broccoli is the best way to preserve its nutrients. Begin by cutting broccoli florets into quarters and let sit for several minutes to enhance its health-promoting benefits, and steam for five minutes.
Mustard greens
Like kale and collard greens, mustard greens have incredible cholesterol-lowering effects. It also ranks high in terms of glucosinolates. At the same time, it contains sinigrin and gluconasturtiian – two essential compounds with cancer-fighting properties. The World’s Healthiest Foods website recommend eating mustard greens 2-3 times per week, with the serving size of 1 to 1 ½ cups.
A single serving of this sumptuous vegetable gives you more than your recommended daily intake of vitamin K. Such vitamin has a key role in regulating blood clotting and reducing plaque on artery walls. It may also lower inflammation linked to chronic diseases like arthritis.
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