10 Health Benefits of Drinking More Water

Lisa Franchi April 03, 2014

How much water do you drink each day? Are you getting enough? Whilst there is still an ongoing debate on how much water should humans try to consume each day, there has been no scientific evidence that shows too much of it can make us ill! So, don’t be afraid to increase your water intake. After all, if you are like most people, you probably don’t drink much.

Drinking more water can get you the following amazing health benefits:

You get more energy. Can’t focus? Feeling lethargic? Dehydration makes you feel tired. Drinking helps you think, focus and concentrate. It also amps up your energy levels by boosting the transport of oxygen all over your body.

It helps you lose weight. Water removes by-products of fat in your body, raises your metabolism, and increases your fat burning rate at no cost. Water is an appetite suppressant too. Drinking a glass of water before your meal is a great way to curb your appetite and avoid overeating. Substituting water for your other fizzy drinks and sugary drinks can save you a lot of calories.

It flushes out toxins from your body. Water gets rid of disease-causing toxins from your body by stimulating urination and sweat. Drinking more water can reduce your risk of developing kidney stone and urinary tract infection.

It boosts your immune system. Drinking plenty of water helps keep you healthy in the long term. And it does it in many ways. First, it keeps you healthy by flushing out the toxins that make you vulnerable to diseases. Second, water ensures that your cells get all of the oxygen they need to function as they were meant to. This means that all of your body organs will function adequately, because they’ll be getting plenty of oxygen. Your immune system functions well when your organs are also functioning at their best. Third, water aids in digestion. Along with fibre, water is important for good digestion. Basically, your body needs adequate nutrition to maintain a strong immune system. And you get most of the nutrients you need from your diet. Water keeps your digestive system strong so that you can properly digest your food. Not getting enough water could make you constipated, and increase your chances of developing digestive health disorders. Remember, you are just as healthy as your gut.

It helps keep your balance of body fluids. About 60% of your body is composed of water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature.

It nourishes your skin. One of the best kept secrets of people who have beautiful, flawless skin is making sure their skin is well hydrated. Water is probably the most effective and cheapest skincare treatment there is! Drinking more water keeps your skin soft and glowing, and also helps prevent the onset of wrinkles!

It helps keep pain away. A lot of people swear by water in alleviating headaches and migraines. Many times, pain is caused by dehydration. Proper hydration helps keep joints lubricated and muscles more elastic so joint pain is less likely. Keeping your muscles, cells and tissues hydrated makes you less likely to suffer from pain issues.

It fights fatigue. Dehydrated muscles can result to fatigue. When muscles don’t have adequate fluids, they don’t work well so you feel sluggish and tired. Drinking more also helps your muscles recuperate after a heavy workout.

It protects your kidney. Your kidneys do an amazing job in getting rid of disease-causing toxins. Many people don’t realise it but kidneys are actually among the most important bodily organs. They flush blood urea nitrogen, a water-soluble waste that is the main toxin in the body, through urination. When you’re getting enough fluids, urine flows freely. They say you know you are getting enough water when your urine is light in color and odourless. When your body is not getting enough fluids, urine concentration, color, and odour increases because the kidneys trap extra fluid for bodily functions.

It keeps the stress away too. About 70-80% of your brain is made up of water. If you’re dehydrated, your body and your mind are stressed. To help fight stress, keep a bottle of water close by wherever you are and whatever you’re doing. If you feel thirsty, that means you are already somewhat dehydrated. Being in the water is also a good way to bust stress. Taking warm bath or swimming are great and fun activities that will keep you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.

Try Water Therapy

Many swear by the healing benefits of water therapy, but more are in doubt of it. How could a plain, tasteless liquid boost health in so many ways? Well, that’s one of nature’s wonders. Water therapy is very popular in Japan where many health-conscious individuals live. Water therapy is best practised in the morning on an empty stomach. Some people recommend up to four glasses of water every morning. Proponents of water therapy claim that drinking water in the morning purifies the colon and allows for better absorption of nutrients in the body. It also hydrates yourself after hours of sleep. The reason why you feel lousy after waking up is because at this time, your body is already lacking enough water.

A glass or two of water in the morning can be a difficult habit for some but it really is a must-try. There are many other ways to make sure you are drinking more water every day. Apart from substituting water for sugary beverages and fizzy drinks, and keeping a bottle or glass of water nearby, you can also enjoy several cups of green tea every day. Not only will you get the benefits of water by drinking green tea, you can also get a good dose of important nutrients and antioxidants found in the tea.