10 Facts You Didn’t Know about Human Brain

Amy Taylor June 08, 2015

Learning how to utilise our brain power is essential in maintaining a healthy physique and well-being, and meeting our goals.

Here are 10 interesting facts about the human brain that will help us understand and appreciate it more.

The human brain is very powerful.

It is a myth that we can only use up to 10% of our brain. This popular misconception began when American psychologist said that “the average person rarely achieves but a small portion of his or her overall potential”. According to Barry Gordon at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, not only does this notion wrong, it is also laughable. In fact, Gordon claims that we use virtually every part of our brain. From regulating motor functions, such as the coordination of movement and balance, to breathing, our brain does the job.

Brain damage can heal.

Whilst it is true that in some cases, brain damage doesn’t completely heal, in most cases it does. Take the case of people who suffered from stroke. Some who develop speech and mobility problems improve and recover after therapy. Even the connection lost between neurons are improved (but damaged neurons cannot grow back).

Your brain needs enough rest.

Think you work better under pressure? Unfortunately, no. you just become more focused, that’s why you are able to do the task quickly. This is the effect of too much cortisol released by your brain. Over time, however, cortisol causes long-term adverse effects, particularly on learning and memory formation. So don’t cram. It doesn’t really benefit your brain.

Your brain gets smarter with experience.

Don’t think that your IQ will not change at all. We can enhance our brain power by accumulating experiences and learning new skills. Just because you weren’t as smart as the class valedictorian during high school doesn’t mean you can’t get better than him or her. By studying hard and embracing new experiences, you become well-versed in different things.

Your brain is more active when you are asleep.

This is why it is very important that we get our 7-8 hours of deep sleep each night. Read something and then nap for 30 minutes. You will find that you are better at remembering things after sleep. And it’s because information processing and storage takes place whilst you are in a deep slumber.

Brain power increases with age.

It is a myth that as you age, your brain power declines. The truth is, your brain will continue to develop until you’re in your late 40s. It is the presence of diseases, like dementia, that hampers brain function in old age.

Stress makes your brain shrink.

Yes, so better keep an eye on your stress levels. In one study, monkeys who were exposed to chronic stress showed a reduction in the size of their hippocampus, the part of the brain which is integral to forming memories.

Your brain drains when you multi-task.

Whilst multi-tasking seems to be a productive idea, it harms your brain significantly. In reality, the human brain cannot multi-task. It simply does ‘context switching’ – quickly switching back-and-forth between different tasks, rather than doing them at the same time.

Napping is good for your brain.

Just as sleeping is good for our brain, nap does have benefits too. Napping for at least 30 minutes helps the brain solidify memories. It pushes information to the neocortex – the ‘permanent storage’ of the brain, preventing them from being overwritten.

Meditation can rewire your brain for the better.

Want to boost your brain power? Try meditation. Not only does it help you become calmer and more focused, it also lowers stress and anxiety, promotes creativity, and enhances memory.