10 Amazing Health Benefits of Dates

Lisa Franchi August 24, 2015

Want something sweet but healthy? Reach out for some dates. Cultivated since about 6,000 BC, dates are among the sweetest fruits around. They come in many different varieties, and may be eaten fresh or dry. What’s more – the health benefits of dates are still just as plentiful.


Dates are rich in magnesium – a mineral known for its anti-inflammatory benefits. Various studies have shown that magnesium is effective in alleviating the risk of inflammation-related diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease and arthritis.

Reduced Blood Pressure

The same super powerful mineral present in dates has also been shown to be effective in lowering blood pressure. Additionally, these sweet fruits contain potassium which plays a variety of important roles in the body, such as regulation of the cardiovascular system.

Bone Health and Strength

Along with magnesium, dates are rich in selenium, copper and manganese which are great at strengthening bones and reducing the risk of debilitating diseases like osteoporosis. As we get older, our bones tend to get weaker. So make sure to eat your dates and boost your bone health!

Higher Energy Levels

Dates are high in natural sugars like fructose, glucose and sucrose, which makes them a perfect snack if you are in need of an immediate burst of energy. So the next time you find yourself feeling lethargic or sluggish, go and get a handful of dates instead of calorie-empty cake or cookies.

Digestive Health

Like most fruits, dates are high in fibre which is essential in promoting colon health and regulating bowel movement. Dates contain two kinds of fibre – soluble and insoluble – which help out clean the gastrointestinal system to allow the colon to work at greater levels of efficiency.

Improved Sexual Health

Research has shown that date are good at increasing sexual stamina. These fruits are free from cholesterol and are very low in fat. They are considered best to treat sexual impotence, helping improve sexual power. In a 2006 study, the flavonoid components of dates were found to increase sperm count and motility, and promote testes size and weight.

Stronger Nervous System

The high dose of vitamins present in dates is an ideal way to boost nervous system health and functionality. One of these is potassium which helps promote a healthy and responsive nervous system, and higher speed and alertness of brain activity.

Abdominal Cancer

Dates work as a useful tonic without the side effects known to pharmaceutical drugs. Research has shown that they may help reduce the risk and impact of abdominal cancer. Dates can be quickly and easily digested for a quick boost of energy.


Dates have impressive levels of iron which make them good for people suffering from anaemia. High levels of iron balance out the inherent lack of iron which reduces energy and strength while decreasing feelings of fatigue and sluggishness.

Anti-Ageing Benefits

Dates contain antioxidants which naturally fight free radicals mainly responsible for cancer and ageing. Consuming foods that are high in antioxidants is a great way to protect yourself from the debilitating effects of ageing.